Nursing Facilities

Virgil Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center

975 North Virgil Avenue
Los Angeles, CA - 90029

(213) 665-8209

Virgil offers a full suite of advanced medical services to our residents. If you are unfamiliar with any of these services, please read on for a more detailed description.
Alzheimer's Care

In the early stages of Alzheimer's you may be able to take care of your loved one. But as the condition advances, Virgil is here to help lighten your burden. We have the ideal environment, activities, philosophy of care, and staff training that revolves around the special needs of people with Alzheimer's.
Complex IV Services

Whether pain management medications, hydration and electrolyte replacement, or total parenternal nutrition, the staff at Virgil has the training and technology to aid your loved one in administering the most complex intravenous therapies.
Enteral Nutrition

When your loved ones are unable to feed or provide themselves nutrients, the staff at Virgil is ready to administer the food and vitamins that they need.
Hospice Care

Hospice is a philosophy of caring for people in their final days. At Virgil, our goal is to enable your loved one to live an alert and pain-free life, while also managing their other symptoms, so that their final days may be spent with dignity and quality.
Infectious Disease Care

At Virgil, our experienced staff has the skill sets to properly and quickly diagnose and treat your loved one's conditions. We can also prepare them with the right vaccinations and immunizations to try to minimize the risk of getting sick.

In eldercare, relationships are very important. The nursing staff at Virgil provides detail-oriented care to your loved one, getting to know them and their needs while also assisting our doctors and eldercare specialists.
Oncology Care

Treating cancer is a complex challenge. At Virgil, our staff is trained to provide your loved one with the care they need to avoid pain and suffering, and to improve their overall condition.
Rehabilitation Services

Our staff will help your loved one with disabilities achieve their employment and independent living goals. We have the passion, expertise, and patience to ensure the optimal outcome for everyone involved in the process.
Occupational Therapy

At Virgil, our occupational therapists work with your loved one to improve their health and wellbeing through engagement or re-engagement in activities for daily living. Whether teaching new ways of approaching tasks or providing you and your family guidance in living with your loved one, our staff will provide you the best in occupational therapy services.
Physical Therapy

Dedication. Passion. Patience. These are Virgil's core philosophies when it comes to physical therapy for our residents. When you entrust your loved one to our care, we promise you that we will work with them diligently to overcome their challenges.
Speech Therapy

Communication is taken for granted until it is no longer available. Virgil's skilled staff will work diligently with your loved one to improve their speech production, vocal production, swallowing difficulties and language needs in order to put them on the road to recovery.
Respite Care

When you need a break from the challenging schedule of caring for a loved one, Virgil is here to give you your much-needed release. Our staff will care for your loved ones, providing for all of their needs so you can relax and recharge.
Stroke Rehabilitation

A stroke is a shocking and scary occurrence. At Virgil we will work with your loved one to rehabilitate them as fully as possible, addressing speech and motor challenges, and supporting them on their journey to recovery.
Wound Care

As people age, their bones and skin become more fragile, increasing the chance of wounds and sores. Our skilled staff has been trained to address your loved one's wounds, while also helping to reduce the risk of future wounds.

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